Khusus untuk adik kelas VII SMP kali ini uraian soal latihan Bahasa Inggris akan saya bagikan secara gratis untuk dipelajari. Silahkan dipelajari soal latihannya berikut ini.
1. There is a living room. Living room means ....
a. bathroom
b. waiting room
c. bedroom
d. sitting room
2. There is a dining room.
Dining room means a room in which ....
a. you keep money
b. you keep books
c. you eat meals
d. you keep clothes
3. There is also a drawing room. A drawing room means a room in which . ....
a. people keep pictures
b. people are painting
c. people are cooking
d. people receive guests
4. The house has six bedrooms. A bedroom is a room to . ....
a. play in
b. sleep in
c. read in
d. study in
5. A big house usually has a study. A study is a room in which a person ....
a. plays in
b. writes a letter
c. listens to the radio
d. studies, reads, writes, etc.
6. She is in the kitchen. A kitchen is a room where a person . ....
a. eats
b. cooks
c. drinks
d. sleeps
7. This house has two bathrooms. A bathroom is a room where a person ....
a. irons shirts
b. reads books
c. washes clothes
d. takes a bath
8. The children’s bedrooms are upstairs. Upstairs means .....
a. on a lower foor
b. on an upper foor
c. to the ground foor
d. on the ground foor
9. There is a garage on the left side of the house. A garage is a shed where . .....
a. a driver sleeps
b. cars are stored
c. cars are washed
d. household appliances are kept
10. This room is for the guests. A guest is a person who ....
a. entertains
b. waits for someone
c. visits somebody else
d. sits next to somebody
Supaya tidak ketinggalan update terbaru soal dan jawaban yang dibahas, silahkan serig-sering berkunjung atau berlangganan soal dan jawaban dengan menggunakan email. Sampai disini semoga dapat bermanfaat.
Artono Wardiman, Masduki B. Jahur, M. Sukirman Djusma. 2008. English in Focus for Grade VII Junior High School (SMP/MTs). Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan